Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Chef Life

About two years ago, I went down to Florida for my first Disney internship. I started as a quick-service sandwich maker and moved on to being a seater/ice cream sundae maker and let me tell you, I rode the struggle bus the whole six months I was here. I went back home, went to culinary school, and felt Disney calling my name again. This time, my attitude is so different. Its amazing how much your attitude can change about a job when you actually love what you are doing.

I currently work as a culinary cast member at The Epcot Food and Wine Festival. I get to cook foods from around the world everyday at work, and I have never been a part of such a huge event before.

Not only am I learning how to cook these foods but I'm also learning how to supply mass quantities quickly, organize myself better, multi-task about 20 things at once and everything that goes into making this festival run. I wake up and want to go to work and I couldn't be happier about that.
I've started talking to my chefs about moving to full time and I just turned in an application for a 15 month lease on a new apartment....yikes! Fingers crossed as I move into this new stage of my life!

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